how to grow as a fiction writer.

Here’s how to grow as a fiction writer. Storytelling was never easy but when you think of the current scenario, it’s not only difficult but is also boring. Yes, you heard me right! It’s boring. That’s because, fiction writers are more focused on selling more books rather than focusing on writing better stories. .

As a fiction writer myself, I need to read a lot of fiction written by authors from across the globe. Some are excellent while others produce cheap copies of other international bestsellers. They end up becoming clones and clones can never be good as the original. Rather than copying someone’s style, one needs to generate his own narration style. One needs to evolve as a storyteller and here’s how you can do it-

  • Don’t fit yourself in a box- Don’t try to fit in a genre. Instead, mold the genre as per your writing. Try writing in different styles, have shady characters rule the plot and sometimes take your story out of space. Try and mix it up.
  • Take the feedback seriously- Like seriously! Writers survive because of the readers. So, if the readers are giving you feedback, do take out time to go through it. You can keep what’s important and weed out what’s not.
  • Read other fiction writers- This one’s obvious but is still underused. As a storyteller one must read about thirty books every year. I still have to meet a writer who does that.
  • Use Idioms- One way to make your writing attractive is by using idioms. One can go through ten idioms a day and then try and use them in your writing. This will not only enhance your storytelling skills but will also add flavor to your writing.

These were some of the tips I follow and I hope you too will benefit out of them. Don’t miss reading out on how to be a better storyteller. Also, if you are a student looking to study effectively you can check out how to study with concentration.

